I'm now obsessed with Football (soccer for you noobs), Words with Friends, The Fabulous Beekman Boys and Tastefully Simple.
Let's go in order shall we?
As mentioned in the last post, Joe and I went to the USA vs. Argentina football match in NJ. Both teams scored a goal a piece and everyone left relatively satisfied. It was a friendly match afterall...
Joe and I were a little disappointed because Messi didn't end up scoring the goal for Argentina but we did get to watch his awesomeness for a full 90 minutes.
He and I have plans to see one of the upcoming games in June. First we planned to see the USA vs. Spain because half of Spain's players play for our favorite team-Barcelona.
However, Barcelona will be playing in the US later on in the month but instead of playing against one of our national teams-they'll be playing opposite the most notorious football team of all time-Manchester United!
Hello, Eurotrip anyone?....
Don't know if we'll be crazy and go to both games but we'll definitely be in attendance at one of them so get excited for that!
Now, I know everyone thinks Angry Birds is the bees knees, but I can't get past level ten on any of those games so I'm not a huge fan. (Hopefully this will change when the birthday fairy brings me a delicious IPad *wink*wink*)
But I DO love me some Scrabble. Words with Friends is wonderful because there's no time limit and you can play whenever you've got a spare moment. It's a nice way to connect with friends on a forum other then Facebook AND it's educational! Now as everyone knows, playing Scrabble, you learn a shit-ton of words you never even knew existed! Not that you really retain any of those words or ever get around to discovering their meanings but still, it's a good time. Check it out-it's available for IPhones and Android phones. Oh and my username is Chykes if you ever want to play against me (I'd take this offer-I'm a terrible speller!)
Now, I think I might have mentioned how much I love the channel PlanetGreen? Well they have this great reality show called The Fabulous Beekman Boys which is basically the real life (and gay) version of Green Acres. This wonderful couple Josh and Brent moved upstate from NYC and purchased this beautiful old farm complete with apple trees and goats! They even have gay farm hands helping them out with their goats and pet Llama they've named Polka Spot-she's a diva but it's cool, so are her owners. I'm so putting half of their online store on my Birthday list! (the b-day fairy is going to need a second job after this!) Check it out if you get the PlanetGreen channel-if not, YouTube some of it-you'll love them!
I recently held a Tastefully Simple Party and for those of you who don't cook or don't yet have the means to sift through Julia Childs infamous collection of delicacies, I highly recommend you pick up some of TS' dips. Now, if you check out the catalog, you'll note they have much more then dip. But I'm a simpleton and for the next month or so, Joe and I will pretty much be living off Beer Bread slathered in a variety of amazing TS dips. I do use their marinades on grilled chicken, but I don't have much time to make that a lot so we'll be ordering mostly dips-they last forever too! Just YUM!!
Oh and while we're on the subject of new obsessions....
I can't stop listening to Katy Perry's song 'ET' featuring my man Kanye and Kesha's "song" 'Blow'.
I'm quite embarrassed about the second one there but it's a fun song and I just cannot help myself. I'll leave you with Katy's so you won't feel suicidal after reading this post-enjoy!