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Thursday, March 15, 2012

I'm Glad You Came

Sorry again for the massive delay. Things have been a whirlwind lately and I've had a lot of things to work out. With my new job comes a lot of adjustment but I have a schedule set in place now and things are settling down luckily.

Thanks to the new schedule though, I've discovered even more lovely things to obsess over!

Now I'm a book reader but not a big book reader so I was dragging my feet getting to the Hunger Games. So, with the movie coming out next week (I have the tickets already for the midnight showing) I finally got my nose in the book and I'm so glad I did!

Now I could be normal and go right on to reading the next two books, but I kind of like reading books right before seeing the movies so I have the whole story fresh in my mind so I'm going to wait. The 14 year old I'm taking to the movie thinks I'm nuts for holding out but I honestly have a handful of books I've been meaning to get to for sometime now so I figure I'll get those done and read and then read the next book right before the next movie comes out. 

Elvis Duran said he saw the movie this week and couldn't say enough wonderful things about the film so I really cannot wait. 

Now the trailer won't mean as much to you if you haven't read the book but seriously, doesn't it look great? They're saying this is going to be bigger then Twilight because the kids that weren't allowed/not interested in reading the Twi-Saga, will be in attendance for this movie. It'll be awesome to see how they do at the box office in compassion with that and the HP movies. 

I've also gotten into Pintrest, the new "Bulletin Board" style site FB created to help people share images and ideas in a super-simple format. You have to have an FB account to access  it but I'm telling you, once you sign up, you are hooked!

I have about 11 "boards" created already covering various topics and it is so fun and so, so very easy! If you get the chance, check it out and see what you've been missing!

One of the boards I created on Pinterest focuses on the show Shark Tank and all of the interesting products they've features over the years. I started watching when I got up to date with all of my regular shows and I am completely hooked! 

I've already ordered one of the products they showed called "Citi Kitty". Now don't laugh folks, but I'm going to be training Cash to use the toilet! She's a smart gal so I have no doubt she'll be able to pick this up, I need to train myself though. I can't seem to remember to leave the seat up and that's going to be crucial to this whole process. We'll get there though, I have all the confidence in the world. 

I just can't help myself. It'll be great I'm telling you. Go check out the products from Shark Tank and if you wanna know what my picks are for coolest ideas, go check out my Pinterest. Hopefully you'll be able to resist scooping up everything though, I know I'm having a hard time keeping my wallet closed but hopefully one day I'll get to try everything out.