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Sunday, June 5, 2011

You Slay Me

I have a problem. I cannot stop watching Buffy. It's bad. Ever since I realized there were so many episodes I've missed, all I care to do is keep the series going. Now I'm at the point when David Boreanaz (Angel) leaves the show so in about a day or two I'm going to have to start watching Angel as well! It's a sickness I'm telling you!

Yesterday Joe and I ran a few errands and at one point he decided we should go visit his dad because there was really nothing else going on for the rest of the day and I haven't spent time with his dad in awhile. While we're talking about going there he looked at me and said "You just want to watch Buffy don't you?" YESS!!!! Yes that's all I want to do! I can't help myself I'm hooked all over again!

The worst part about this addiction is knowing that at some point the show will be over for good. Then what is a gal to do? I mean there are a million shows out there-I know, I used to watch them. But now my world is consumed with Buffy and I'm going to watch the final episode (which I saw when it originally aired like ten years ago) and feel this tremendous sense of loss. Once that episode is over I'm going to sit around for at least a week feeling like I'm missing something and wanting to turn on Buffy. I need help here people.

I wonder if I can find Sailor Moon episodes floating around anywhere? Oh! Or the Ronin Warriors! Those were the best!

Sigh.....I need to go outside.....

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