I have had the good fortune of meeting an incredible group of people six years ago that have changed my life dramatically. It sounds silly when you consider this group consists of people that are both at least 10 years younger and 20 years older then myself but you can never predict these kinds of things can you?
Now, I have a sister. I have a mother, aunts, cousins, a grandmother. I'm set for unconditional love and family support. But there's always room for more wouldn't you say? I didn't think I needed any extra love and attention and then I met these people.
I've found true friendship with five beautiful girls who I admire and adore and cannot imagine going a week without seeing or speaking to any of them. We have the relationship I always grew up wishing I had with my own sister. We go on errands, grab meals, go to attractions and movies together, everything I wish I did with my sister. When I talk about them I refer to them as my cousins and they usually refer to me as their sister. I have the same relationship with their mothers and grandmother as well. It's incredible. I've never been close with a group of women before, only ever really talking to my mom regularly, and now I find I have 8 women I can spend time with and confide in no matter what is going on. They're a second family I never knew I needed and now I can't imagine living without any of them.
Ask anyone, my coworkers always ask what I'm doing on my days off and I always talk about who I'm meeting for lunch and where I'll be going with the "Newtown family". I was just out to lunch with one of my "aunts" and I was joking that while some people at work have second jobs because we get so much time off, my second job is meeting them for lunch! Honestly, we can easily spend two to three hours at lunch just chatting and laughing and "counseling" one another. I'm seriously blessed.
This Thanksgiving, my "cousin", Miranda wrote everyone in the family a letter and I've copied her letter here, it really touched my heart and made me cry. Here's a picture of her and I last summer at a family cookout:
Dear Lizz,
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are super duper funny, and awesome, and cool, and awesome. You spend a lot of your time with me and you take me to the movies a lot and you take me to the aquariums. I am thankful for everything that you do for me, and everything that you share with me. Though we fight over stupid things and we...well that's just it, we only really fight over really dumb things. Like the zombie apocalypse and movies and other things. I am thankful that I met you and that you are basically my sister, I am thankful that you can take a joke, and that you can love me even though I am a pain in the butt. I don't know what I would do without you, you are one of my best friends and a sister and I love you.
She also included a fabulous stick figure drawing of us in which we're driving my the car, singing our favorite song (I changed the lyrics-it's an inside joke cause I'm hilarious), but yeah, she's awesome.
Me with all of the girls, don't we look cute?!
I know I'm not doing these women any justice, I could go on and on about how much I care for and appreciate having them in my life but I simply can't get all of my thoughts together. There's just too much to say. With Christmas right around the corner, I find myself getting more and more giddy about giving everyone their gifts, I try really hard to make sure everyone gets what they want while also throwing in some surprises so the wait is killing me! I can't wait to see everyone's reaction!
I don't just Like them, I Love them <3