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Friday, August 31, 2012

Snoozefest 2012

I know, I've been dragging my feet. One of these days I'll have a computer of my own and then I'll have no reason to stay away this long!

I have been keeping busy though so get excited for what's to come. I've got a 3 foot stack of books I took down since February and have now decided to give in and get myself a digital reader, now I've got to figure out which one I want!

I've been going to the movies at every opportunity, so much that now I'm the official movie reviewer for the annual newsletter at work! Unbeknownst to me, the news letter only comes out once every four months! Not cool when I'm seeing an average of four movies per week....

So I figured I'd post a nice big movie review here every few weeks to get it out of my system as I'm going to have to limit my reviews for the newsletter at the "office". So get excited, the next post will contain the two articles I've already written plus an update on the films that are currently out this week. Earlier today I saw Sparkle and Premium Rush and I plan to see Hit and Run and Lawless next week. Oh! AND Indiana Jones is going to be back in theaters for one week only! Get yourself to an AMC between September 7th and 13th! I'll see you there!

For now, please enjoy these two trailers, one is for the original Judge Dredd film staring our pal Sylvester Stallone and the other is for the upcoming remake of said film. If you haven't seen Judge Dredd (or Demolition Man for that matter), please do yourself a favor and find this movie! It's terrible, yet so very terrible, it's wonderful! Trust me, it's a guilty pleasure you'll tell your friends about. Enjoy!

Dear Santa, 
I've been very good this year. Please include a copy of the original Judge Dredd (and Demolition Man) in my stocking. 
XOXO, Milk and Cookies, 
Lizz :)

Nothing like to original you say? Fools! Who cares?! It's going to be badass! And have you checked out that soundtrack?! Oh man! Cannot wait!!

Also, go find the Demolition Man trailer. It's even WORSE then the original Dredd but oh so wonderful!