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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Don't Call it a Comeback

I was stuck in traffic on my way home last night for 3 hours. THREE HOURS! It, for lack of a better term, sucked!

The only cool thing that came out of it however: I saw Cat Lady! I was so excited I almost forgave the fact that it took me a half an hour to get from one exit to the next.....then it took me another hour before I'd finally get off the highway, so the excitement was short-lived.

One other, kind of cool thing I observed while trying real hard not to melt in the days heat and/or fall asleep behind the wheel, was a black Maserati with the license plate that read "Yahoo-7" Thanks to that guy, I spent the rest of my time stuck in bumper to bumper traffic contemplating why someone would have a license plate like that. Perhaps he worked for Yahoo? Big corporate-type? Maybe he was just a driver for Yahoo and was late picking up some big corporate-type? Who knows.

Once in high school my friend Christine and I were behind a Corvette with the license plate that read "Starbux". Now, being two teenage girls with nothing planned for the afternoon, we decided to follow said Corvette and see if we might be able to ask the driver what the license plate was all about. Now before you go calling us stalkers, we were only going to follow the driver until he turned off the main road we were on, we just thought it was fun trying to guess what the plate was all about. As luck would have it, the Corvette turned into a local bank and we decided to just go and ask about the plate. Turns out the very nice gentleman who, surprisingly, wasn't concerned two teenage girls in a white mini-van just followed him into a bank parking lot, had come from a family whose last name was Starbucks and they had sold the name to the coffee mogul. Now, I'd like to believe his story was true but "grown up" me really doesn't think that's how Starbucks got their name. But who knows. The man was wearing a very nice pin striped dress shirt with a shiny, expensive looking watch sticking out from under his cuff-linked sleeves so it's very possible he was telling the truth. Either way, makes for a good memory and a pretty funny, albeit creepy, story.

So after seeing cat lady and driving past the Yahoo Maserati, my week was pretty much made-what else could possibly surprise me on my commute after all of that? Well folks, this morning on my way in I passed a completely different Maserati and that guy had a funny license plate too! His read, "BatMobil" - apparently rich dudes have a sense of humor and don't mind expressing it via their super fancy sports cars. Go 'head rich dudes, go 'head.

Oh and I've finally figured out why I always get songs stuck in my head at the office-it's completely quiet in here! When one of us isn't on the phones, it's like a library! Something's bound to get stuck in there simply because there's nothing going on to distract me from humming some random tune. And yesterday was the worst by far! Who honestly wants this in their head all day?:

No really, ALL day!

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