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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Clean your Springs!

Spring cleaning, I don't like it.
I do like the results afterwards though. And isn't that why we do it? We humans do love that instant gratification and what's better then cleaning and being disgusted by your own filth all day just so you can then sit back and look over your nice, clean and organized environment?

We're getting a fridge.
First off, why is it spelled refrigerator and then when you shorten it, we add a "d"? Fridge. Not Frige... I don't get it. Words are dumb.
Anyways, yes, new fridge, us, ours, tomorrow, awesome.

We've been living out of two mini fridges and a standing freezer for the past two years now. While that suits us just fine, I have been longing for the days of being able to nicely and neatly keep fresh produce in our "apartment" (alright we live in my moms basement) so I might actually be able to eat like a Kardashian and not a Conner.

So I'm excited. I spent the evening condensing (dumping out cans of beer that have been sitting in said mini fridge for months) the contents of one mini fridge into the other so when the refrigerator arrives tomorrow, I'll have a nice open space to place it and still keep the stuff cold until that badboy is ready to receive our goods.
I'm trying to figure out what the heck to do with the mini fridges now though? I mean it's hard enough trying to get rid of one mini fridge, but two?

I've been scouring online to see if I can find some substantial answer as to whether or not Goodwill accepts mini fridges but nothing concrete has been found. The website says no refrigerators but customer reviews for various locations in other states rave about how they were able to get mini fridges at their Goodwills at great prices.

So I'll have to call Goodwill tomorrow and hope I get someone that speaks English and isn't ready to kill themselves because they work everyday at New Milford Goodwill.

I could always try Craigslist but have you been outside lately? Who is going to want to come and pick up a mini fridge thats been sitting on top of a 4 foot high snow pile? And you may be asking yourself why I'd leave it on the curb rather then meet the person? Hello! It's Craigslist. It's not like a yard sale in which there are a ton of people including your family members around to call the cops should some stranger go ballistic on you, no, this is a site that aides one person in finding great deals and then coming to some random persons home (you know, where they live) all by themselves at varying times of day to pick up their used (with love) stuff. So Craigslist, not for this gal. At least, not until after the snow melts and on an day I'm not actually home to be raped bothered.

So yeah. Good stuff. I loves me some shiny new appliances and a nice clean home!
Happy-not-even-close-even-if-i-shut-my-eyes-and-prayed-real-hard-Spring Cleaning everyone!

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